This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Main game logic:

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This file is the main file for your game logic. Here you initialize the game, persist data, implement the rules and notify changes to the client interface.

File Structure

The details on how the file is structured is described directly with comments on the code skeleton provided to you.

Basically, here's this structure:

  • EmptyGame (constructor): where you define global variables.
  • setupNewGame: initial setup of the game.
  • getAllDatas: where you retrieve all game data during a complete reload of the game.
  • getGameProgression: where you compute the game progression indicator.
  • Utility functions: your utility functions.
  • Player actions: the entry points for players actions.
  • Game state arguments: methods to return additional data on specific game states.
  • Game state actions: the logic to run when entering a new game state.
  • zombieTurn: what to do it's the turn of a zombie player.

Accessing player informations

Returns the number of players playing at the table
Note: doesn't work in setupNewGame so use count($players) instead
Get the "active_player", whatever what is the current state type.
Note: it does NOT mean that this player is active right now, because state type could be "game" or "multiplayer"
Note: avoid using this method in a "multiplayer" state because it does not mean anything.
Get the "active_player" name
Note: avoid using this method in a "multiplayer" state because it does not mean anything.
Get an associative array with generic data about players (ie: not game specific data).
The key of the associative array is the player id.
The content of each value is:
* player_name
* player_color (ex: ff0000)
Get the "current_player". The current player is the one from which the action originated (the one who send the request).
Be careful: It is not always the active player.
In general, you shouldn't use this method, unless you are in "multiplayer" state.
Get the "current_player" name
Be careful using this method (see above).
Get the "current_player" color
Be careful using this method (see above).
Check the "current_player" zombie status. If true, player leave the game.

Accessing database

The main game logic should be the only point from where you should access to the game database. You access your database using SQL queries with the following methods:

DbQuery( $sql )
This is the generic method to access the database.
It can execute any type of SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE/REPLACE query on the database.
You should use it for UPDATE/DELETE/REPLACE query. For SELECT queries, the specialized methods above are much better.
getUniqueValueFromDB( $sql )
Returns a unique value from DB or null if no value is found.
$sql must be a SELECT query.
Raise an exception if more than 1 row is returned.
getCollectionFromDB( $sql, $bSingleValue=false )
Returns an associative array of rows for a sql SELECT query.
The key of the resulting associative array is the first field specified in the SELECT query.
The value of the resulting associative array if an associative array with all the field specified in the SELECT query and associated values.
First column must be a primary or alternate key.
The resulting collection can be empty.
If you specified $bSingleValue=true and if your SQL query request 2 fields A and B, the method returns an associative array "A=>B"

Example 1:

self::getCollectionFromDB( "SELECT player_id id, player_name name, player_score score FROM player" );

 1234 => array( 'id'=>1234, 'name'=>'myuser0', 'score'=>1 ),
 1235 => array( 'id'=>1235, 'name'=>'myuser1', 'score'=>0 )

Example 2:

self::getCollectionFromDB( "SELECT player_id id, player_name name FROM player", true );

 1234 => 'myuser0',
 1235 => 'myuser1'

getNonEmptyCollectionFromDB( $sql )
Idem than previous one, but raise an exception if the collection is empty
function getObjectFromDB( $sql )
Returns one row for the sql SELECT query as an associative array or null if there is no result
Raise an exception if the query return more than one row


self::getObjectFromDB( "SELECT player_id id, player_name name, player_score score FROM player WHERE player_id='$player_id'" );

  'id'=>1234, 'name'=>'myuser0', 'score'=>1 
getNonEmptyObjectFromDB( $sql )
Idem than previous one, but raise an exception if no row is found
getObjectListFromDB( $sql, $bUniqueValue=false )
Return an array of rows for a sql SELECT query.
the result if the same than "getCollectionFromDB" except that the result is a simple array (and not an associative array).
The result can be empty.
If you specified $bUniqueValue=true and if your SQL query request 1 field, the method returns directly an array of values.

Example 1:

self::getObjectListFromDB( "SELECT player_id id, player_name name, player_score score FROM player" );

 array( 'id'=>1234, 'name'=>'myuser0', 'score'=>1 ),
 array( 'id'=>1235, 'name'=>'myuser1', 'score'=>0 )

Example 2:

self::getObjectListFromDB( "SELECT player_id id, player_name name FROM player", true );


getDoubleKeyCollectionFromDB( $sql, $bSingleValue=false )
Return an associative array of associative array, from a SQL SELECT query.
First array level correspond to first column specified in SQL query.
Second array level correspond to second column specified in SQL query.
If bSingleValue = true, keep only third column on result

Return the PRIMARY key of the last inserted row (see PHP mysql_insert_id function).
Return the number of row affected by the last operation
escapeStringForDB( $string )
You must use this function on every string type data in your database that contains unsafe data.
(unsafe = can be modified by a player).
This method makes sure that no SQL injection will be done through the string used.
self::getObjectFromDB( "SELECT player_id id, player_name name, player_color color FROM player WHERE player_id='1234'" );

 'id' => 1234,
 'name' => 'myuser1',
 'color' => 'ff0000'

function getNonEmptyObjectFromDB( $sql )
Idem, but raise an exception if the query doesn't return exactly one row

Note: see Editing Game database model: dbmodel.sql to know how to define your database model.

Use globals

Sometimes, you have to keep a single integer value that is global to your game, and you don't want to create a DB table specifically for it.

Using a BGA framework "global", you can do such a thing. Your value will be stored in the "global" table in database, and you can access it with simple methods.


This method is located at the beginning of your game logic. This is the place you defines the globals used in your game logic, by assigning them IDs.

You can define up to 89 globals, with IDs from 10 to 89. You must NOT use globals outside this range as globals are used by other components of the framework.

        self::initGameStateLabels( array( 
                "my_first_global_variable" => 10,
                "my_second_global_variable" => 11
        ) );

setGameStateInitialValue( $value_label, $value_value )

Init your global value. Must be called before any use of your global, so you should call this method from your "setupNewGame" method.

getGameStateValue( $value_label )

Retrieve the current value of a global.

setGameStateValue( $value_label, $value_value )

Set the current value of a global.

incGameStateValue( $value_label, $increment )

Increment the current value of a global. If increment is negative, decrement the value of the global.

Return the final value of the global.

Game states and active players

checkAction( $actionName, $bThrowException=true )
Check if action is valid regarding current game state (exception if fails)
The action is valid if it is listed as a "possibleactions" in the current game state (see game state description).
This method should be called in the first place in ALL your PHP methods that handle players action, in order to make sure a player can't do an action when the rules disallow it at this moment of the game.
if "bThrowException" is set to "false", the function return false in case of failure instead of throwing and exception. This is useful when several actions are possible in order to test each of them without throwing exceptions.
Make the next player active in the natural player order.
Note: you CANT use this method in a "activeplayer" or "multipleactiveplayer" state. You must use a "game" type game state for this.
Make the previous player active (in the natural player order).
Note: you CANT use this method in a "activeplayer" or "multipleactiveplayer" state. You must use a "game" type game state for this.
$this->gamestate->changeActivePlayer( $player_id )
You can call this method to make any player active.
Note: you CANT use this method in a "activeplayer" or "multipleactiveplayer" state. You must use a "game" type game state for this.

With this method you can retrieve the list of the active player at any time.
During a "game" type gamestate, it will return a void array.
During a "activeplayer" type gamestate, it will return an array with one value (the active player id).
during a "multipleactiveplayer" type gamestate, it will return an array of the active players id.
Note: you should only use this method is the latter case.
With this method, all playing players are made active.
Usually, you use this method at the beginning (ex: "st" action method) of a multiplayer game state when all players have to do some action.
$this->gamestate->setPlayersMultiactive( $players, $next_state )
Make a specific list of players active during a multiactive gamestate.
"players" is the array of player id that should be made active.
In case "players" is empty, the method trigger the "next_state" transition to go to the next game state.
$this->gamestate->setPlayerNonMultiactive( $player_id, $next_state )
During a multiactive game state, make the specified player inactive.
Usually, you call this method during a multiactive game state after a player did his action.
If this player was the last active player, the method trigger the "next_state" transition to go to the next game state.

Players turn order


Return an associative array which associate each player with the next player around the table.

In addition, key 0 is associated to the first player to play.

Example: if three player with ID 1, 2 and 3 are around the table, in this order, the method returns:

    1 => 2, 
    2 => 3, 
    3 => 1, 
    0 => 1 


Same as above, but the associative array associate the previous player around the table.

getPlayerAfter( $player_id )

Get player playing after given player in natural playing order.

getPlayerBefore( $player_id )

Get player playing before given player in natural playing order.

Notify players

To understand notification, please read The BGA Framework at a glance first.

notifyAllPlayers( $notification_type, $notification_log, $notification_args )

Send a notification to all players of the game.

  • notification_type:

A string that defines the type of your notification.

Your game interface Javascript logic will use this to know what is the type of the received notification (and to trigger the corresponding method).

  • notification_log:

A string that defines what is to be displayed in the game log.

You can use an empty string here (""). In this case, nothing is displayed in the game log.

If you define a real string here, you should use "clienttranslate" method to make sure it can be translate.

You can use arguments in your notification_log strings, that refers to values defines in the "notification_args" argument (see below).

  • notification_args:

The arguments of your notifications, as an associative array.

This array will be transmitted to the game interface logic, in order the game interface can be updated.

Complete notifyAllPlayers example (from "Reversi"):

self::notifyAllPlayers( "playDisc", clienttranslate( '${player_name} plays a disc and turns over ${returned_nbr} disc(s)' ), array(
        'player_id' => $player_id,
        'player_name' => self::getActivePlayerName(),
        'returned_nbr' => count( $turnedOverDiscs ),
        'x' => $x,
        'y' => $y
     ) );

You can see in the example above the use of the "clienttranslate" method, and the use of 2 arguments "player_name" and "returned_nbr" in the notification log.

Important: NO private date must be sent with this method, as a cheater could see it even it is not used explicitly by the game interface logic. If you want to send private information to a player, please use notifyPlayer below.

notifyPlayer( $player_id, $notification_type, $notification_log, $notification_args )

Same as above, except that the notification is sent to one player only.

This method must be used each time some private information must be transmitted to a player.

Game statistics

There are 2 types of statistics:

  • a "player" statistic is a statistic associated to a player
  • a "table" statistics is a statistic not associated to a player (global statistic for this game).

See Game statistics: to see how you defines statistics for your game.

initStat( $table_or_player, $name, $value, $player_id=null ) Create a statistic entry for the specified statistics with a default value. This method must be called for each statistics of your game, in your setupNewGame method.

'table_or_player' must be set to "table" if this is a table statistics, or "player" if this is a player statistics.

'name' is the name of your statistics, as it has been defined in your file.

'value' is the initial value of the statistics. If this is a player statistics and if the player is not specified by "player_id" argument, the value is set for ALL players.

function setStat( $value, $name, $player_id = null )

Set a statistic value.

If "player_id" is not specified, setStat consider it is a TABLE statistic.

If "player_id" is specified, setStat consider it is a PLAYER statistic.

incStat( $delta, $name, $player_id = null )

Increment (or decrement) specified statistic value. Same behavior as above.


See Translations

Reflexion time

function giveExtraTime( $player_id, $specific_time=null )
Give standard extra time to this player.
Standard extra time depends on the speed of the game (small with "slow" game option, bigger with other options).
You can also specify an exact time to add, in seconds, with the "specified_time" argument (rarely used).

Managing errors and exceptions

throw new BgaUserException ( $error_message)
Base class to notify a user error
throw new BgaSystemException ( $error_message)
Base class to notify a system exception. The message will be hidden from the user, but show in the logs. Use this if the message contains technical information.
throw new BgaSystemVisibleException ( $error_message)
Same as previous, except that the message is visible by the user. You can use this if the message is understandable by the user.